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Nadine O. Burger is a visionary business strategist, an innovator of new paradigm systems & solutions, and an intuitive guide for leaders and entrepreneurs who are committed to leaving a positive legacy in the world.

For the past two decades, Nadine has built a strong and extensive body of knowledge in the realms of business, marketing and sales, while simultaneously training in the wisdom traditions and healing arts.

It is her honor to serve her clients as a bridge between these two worlds: helping them create greater prosperity and holistic fulfillment, while guiding them to channel their unique talents and abilities towards projects and initiatives that serve a triple bottom line: people, the planet and purpose.

Nadine received her Masters in Business Administration and went on to have a highly successful career in the corporate world for almost twenty years, with several international companies and advertising agencies in the areas of information technology, telecommunication and fashion.

Following an inner calling, Nadine chose to leave behind her corporate career and create even more meaningful and fulfilling success by fully focusing on her higher purpose. She founded Brzee YINvesting to be in service to leaders and changemakers: supporting international initiatives with the highest impact towards positive planetary change. 

In her work with Brzee YINvesting, Nadine helps her clients in distilling their gifts, knowledge and experience towards a career-path and legacy that deeply inspires and uplifts them while serving the collective. A gifted connector and heart-centered Coherence Architect, Nadine ignites powerful collaborations for purpose-driven projects by drawing the right people together and fostering win-win synergies.

Nadine is an advisor to several non-profit organizations. Her areas of passion and focus include: Emerging technology, holistic health care and education, plant-based innovations, sustainable hospitality and eco-real estate development, nature rights, social justice, animal welfare, restoration of original cultures and ancient wisdom.

To find out more about the work Nadine offers, or to schedule a free consultation call, please visit


+49 151 24260249



Nadine O. Burger

“Impactful manifestations can happen easily and rapidly if we have a miracle mindset, act in integrity and focus on the highest good of our planet and all living beings.”